Monday, September 29, 2008


We have dreams,goals and objectives in life.We direct activities to attain those dreams.But there are times when we think that our dreams will just remain as drems...but whatever they are we still find ways to turn them into reality. Eventhough how hard it was,we have determined to reach our goals as what we are experiencing now.This is one of the models we can follow.We thought it was just a dream but there's nothing impossible with God,if human being just believe in Him.Yes,dreams will become true if we work hard to realize them.Instead also,we work hard to cope our dreams and do something good.

As well as we gain the trust of people around us yet we still encounter tumbling blocks that hinder us from turning our dreams to reality.But be strong and have a determination and observance of desirable values in life can make us great.As a student I know that it is not too late for me to continue the journey of life but I will not stop dreaming...How I wish I will be given a chance to be me..Now what are you waiting for?Go on...turn your dreams into reality!!!

"posted by emz of lopsidedtech"

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What name do you want for PSCA when it will be converted to a university?