Thursday, August 28, 2008

CIT Journal on EducTechno

First week of school, we discussed about Technology in Education and i've learned that technology is associated with computers. Educational Technology are strategies and techniques which improved learning and sustained students interest in learning. I've also learned that Technology in Education is advantageous to both teachers and students.
Second week of school, we tackled about Dale's Cone of Experience and i've classified the audio- visual aids according to their effectiveness in communicating ideas from the bottom which signifies the direct experience followed by the projected aids. I found out that fieldtrip has been classified as experience involving only observation hence has been placed much high in the ladder it's because fieldtrip provides rich, firsthand experience.
Third week of school, we discussed about computers in Education and was able to identify the development of computers and its types, and its uses and limitations.
And lastly we discussed about cybernetics and was able to know its definition.

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What name do you want for PSCA when it will be converted to a university?